Wednesday, August 10, 2011

23 Weeks

Here we are at 23 weeks. I feel like over the past week my belly has grown although I keep getting comments about how small it is. As my pregnant, or previously pregnant friends tell me, people are just downright honest when it comes to seeing a pregnant belly and what they say. So even though it bothers me a little bit sometimes about the belly being "small" I just have to take it with a grain of salt and know that everyone grows at different paces and no two pregnancies are the same. I can't explain why it bothers me--maybe because I feel like I want my belly to grow, I don't want people to think I am unhealthy or not taking care of my baby. Anyway, just a little vent I guess.

BabyCenter  tells me that she is more than eleven inches long and weighs just over a pound. It also suggests that I dance more since her sense of movement is well developed. If anyone has seen me dance, I think she would be mocking my moves from the womb!

I definitely feel her more in the morning and evening when I am still. I think me moving around during the day rocks her to sleep.

I wore my B Band to work today but it was feeling a little tight. I folded it down and that helped but maybe its only the stretchy clothes from here on out. I don't know if I will ever quite feel like maternity pants are comfy because I just really don't like anything tight on my tummy.

No really strong cravings this week. I think it may be due to the heartburn. I feel like it gets to the point of almost making me feel like I will vomit. No bueno.

We got our pack and play and our crib bedding last week. I am so, so happy that I love the crib bedding. I kept finding "the one" online and then of course changing my mind. I definitely thought it would come and not be the "right" color and I would change my mind a few times and send it back, etc. However, Hub and I both love it and I am so excited to start some projects to play off the colors. We put together the pack and play the other night and the instructions were awful. Hub said that putting together baby items must be the test for if the marriage can withstand a baby or if our patience can!

I think we will be able to go pick up our very lightly used crib from my cousin this weekend and I am co-hosting a baby shower at our house for my friend's baby boy on Sunday.

1 comment:

kaitlyn said...

okay... my honest thoughts on this are: people are probably remarking that YOU are small. because let's face it, you are. your belly is just right for that time, your first baby, and being young. period. like normal. Most likely they are just jealous that you aren't waddling around with swollen ankles, etc. like they were the second they found out they were pregnant.

don't worry another second about it. you are perfect! the baby is perfect! and, YOU'RE BELLY WILL GET HUGE. that is a FACT. the last two months are an uncomfortable explosion.

moral of the story: people are crazy and sometimes say whatever they feel like to make themselves feel better. so dumb.