Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcoming the Weekend

Gosh, I am so excited that it is Friday. For one, it is beautiful outside. Two, the Hub is coming home tonight from  his work trip and will be home for a couple days then gone again. I am excited to soak up some time with him for sure.

Last night my girlfriend and I were going to get some dinner and then go see Bridesmaids, however decided at the last minute that we didn't want to forgo the lovely weather so we went to a happy hour instead. The deck where we were wasn't quite as warm as it had been on my back patio. We ended up a little wind-burned instead of sun-burned! It was really great to just have some quality time together, just the two of us.

I am reading this right now:
One Day (Vintage Contemporaries Original) 1st (first) edition Text Only
And so far I am loving it. Really different writing style but very interesting. It also helps that I have been reading in the sun. Love it.

I read this in just a couple days:
sTORI Telling
I'm not really sure why I got it at the library but I just did. It was okay. She isn't a very good writer {I know, shocker right?} but I do enjoy watching her shows. I think she is witty and funny but her sarcasm and sense of humor doesn't really come through in her writing unless she calls her self out. 

Anyway, that's what I am about to do now, go read. In the sun. Yay. Tomorrow I think I will be going to get some flowers to beautify the yard finally. Hub and I will be hanging around the house until I go to a wedding and he goes to some friends' house. Sunday we will probably be lounging around the house before he leaves again.

Happy Weekend!

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