Wednesday, June 29, 2011

17 Weeks

How Far Along: 17 weeks
Size of baby: Around 5 ounces and 5 inches long
Total Weight Gain: around 2 pounds
Maternity Clothes: No maternity clothes yet but I am definitely favoring the stretchy parts of my wardrobe.
Gender: Don't know yet but we will find out!
Movement: No movement yet, still a little early for this first time momma!
Sleep: Sleep is hit and miss. I can have one really good night and then a few bad nights of tossing and turning and can't get comfortable. This past weekend when we were out of town I did not get good sleep at all and then being back home Monday, I got the best night of sleep I have had in a while and slept straight through to my alarm. It was glorious!
What I miss: Nothing right now. 
Cravings: Nothing in particular but if I think of something I have to have it. I am also really liking spicy food!
Symptoms: Still some dry heaving in the mornings. I get up pretty early so it is hard to shove food down my throat right away. My memory is basically shot. I usually have a pretty good memory bit these days it feels like I forget everything! Hub thinks it's pretty amusing because he is usually the forgetful type! :)
What I’m looking forward to:
Since Hub has a 4 day weekend this weekend, we are excited to actually make some headway on cleaning out our back bedrooms and starting on some projects for the baby's room. Some new paint, a new light fixture and we will see how much more we can accomplish!

I guess without further adieu, I will post my first "bump" pictures. Since I haven't posted them from the beginning I thought I would post one from early on and one from now. Please excuse the lack of make-up and somewhat wet hair. These are usually taken after my shower in the evening.

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