Monday, August 23, 2010

Busy, Busy Summertime

This end of summer is shaping up to be pretty busy! This last weekend we got to head to Bellingham for a wedding for some friends from college. We headed up early to reminisce in the city where we met and fell in love. We got to have lunch at a delicious sandwich shop, meander around the farmer's market and have a beer at the local brewery. We then headed to the wedding and danced the night away with some of our best friends! (Pictures to come!) Sunday morning we all woke up, had a lazy morning just visiting and enjoying the continental breakfast and finally got going and stopped to get a burrito at a yummy Mexican restaurant. There is just something about being in Bellingham that makes me feel happy and at home. It's funny because I only lived there for about 5 years during and a little after college and have lived in the town we are in now for all the rest of my life but there is just something about Bellingham that I love! Never know, maybe someday we will end up back there! It was also so fun to see our friends, who are really more like family, and laugh, drink and dance with them! And a big Congratulations to our friends Nic and Stefanie on their nuptials!

I just feel like summer is flying by now with every weekend busy and September quickly approaching! I am working A LOT right now, so it feels like I never have one minute to breathe during the week! Next weekend, we are hoping to take a sailing trip with my brother, the weekend after that is LABOR DAY (I can't even believe it!) and we leave for San Diego for a week! After that is diving into fall with the hub's birthday coming up and another friend's birthday soon after! Wow, I am getting tired just thinking about everything!

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