Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

I know I posted a "Thankful Thursday" a couple of weeks ago but really, around this time of year {and all year 'round for that matter} can we ever really be too thankful? No! So I would like to make another list. During these past few days we have had a bit of a cold front in our area. Cold front for us=temperatures in the teens. Brrr! Yes it is cold, but I have a warm house to come home to, plenty of warms clothes to bundle up in and food to fill my belly. My mind couldn't help but wander to those less fortunate. Those that do not have the luxuries that I have and who have been freezing these past few nights.
I am thankful for...

...this man. He loves me unconditionally, without fail and in our good times and bad. He is my rock, my light and my happiness. family. They love me and support me no matter what.

...this family. {what does the term "in-laws" mean?}

...this house I call home. It provides me with warmth, love and happiness.

...these two. My best and my godson. {love}

...this girl. Love her.

I am also so thankful for my grandparents and that I have a great-grandmother that I know. I have so many special friends to be thankful that are really like family. I am thankful to have two jobs that I enjoy. After a glimpse into my life, you can see I have so much to be thankful for. My heart goes out to those in need and I try to never take my life for granted {I am not without imperfection}. Tomorrow my husband and I will be preparing a meal for our family out of love and thankfulness and won't forget to count our many blessings.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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