Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

A few blogs I follow link up pretty frequently to this Wednesday post at this kind of love. I always mean to do it also and then pretty much just forget. So this week, here is what I'm loving:

I am loving my husband. Yes I do this everyday but lately he has seriously just been the best person to have around when I am not feeling well and takes such good care of me.

Even though we haven't had a lot of sun this summer, I truly am loving that fall is on its way. I may or may not have chosen the above picture of Ben and I because it is from last fall. Love it.
I am loving our garden. Every year I whine and complain that it isn't big enough and Ben always tells me that it is and that we are just two people to enjoy it. Well, not for long, Hub! Anyway we have been enjoying great fresh veggies.

Please excuse the poor quality of my cell phone photo. We have some zucchini, carrots, green onions and green beans here.

I am loving any kind of nursery inspiration.
I am loving this sign I got the other day for the baby's room. All so very true.

Speaking of signs, I am loving this giveaway over at Little Miss Momma today. Seriously, go check it out!
A True Love Story Never Ends Heavily Distressed Sign in Black Vintage Style
I love that Ben has a 4 day weekend coming up. I will be working a couple of the days but I am happy for him to have this time off as I am most sure that he is too!
So, what are you loving this week? Head on over here  to link up! 

Happy Wednesday!

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