Of course, leave it to me the World's Best Blogger to not post on my 20 week update. I mean 20 weeks of pregnancy is kind of a big deal. Halfway there. Ca-razy!
Last week I began to get more and more heartburn. Like everyday, multiple times a day. However on the upside, I am feeling the little bambino moving around more. On an up upside, Hub felt her move the other night. I had felt her on the outside a couple of times but he hadn't and was getting frustrated. He came home from work one evening and I was feeling her so I told him to come over. We both sat on the couch motionless and at the exact same time we looked at each other because we felt her! It was amazing and I could tell he was so excited. Now if only it would happen more, little girl, quit being stubborn like your parents!
We had our 20 week appointment yesterday even though we are at 21 now. Everything was normal. My blood pressure was a little bit up from last time which is good because it was so low before. It was so crazy to hear how much louder her heartbeat gets every time we get to hear it and it's so clear now. I have gained 7 pounds total which the midwife seemed fine with however I do feel like I am growing more now and I have a bigger appetite. Which is kind a bummer with the heartburn.
We have been working on our registries and actually received our first gift from Hub's parents yesterday. Our car seat. We can officially bring our baby home with us. It's been so nice having Hub be the decisive one because I can look at things for hours and hours and find a million things I like and never know how to decide on anything. He is logical and reads reviews and compares prices and takes me to the store to see and touch and then we can decide easily. I knew there was a reason I married him. His decisiveness.
So basically that's what's going on in that area of our lives. Being excited. Getting things ready. Making progress on the room, carpet is coming next Monday. And daily talk of what actually having a baby will be like. Nothing short of amazing I'm sure.
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