Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recent Reads

I have been reading quite a bit lately. It has been really nice. I love summer for that reason because the nice weather coaxes me out into the yard with a book instead of making me want to get under a blanket and watch the boob tube. Why, you ask can I not get under a blanket and read too? I don't have that answer.

Before we left for vacation, I was reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth.
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
Don't get me wrong, I really love this book and it has taught me a lot, however I thought for vacation I could use something carefree, trendy, quick, lighthearted, etc. Something in those categories. So my awesome parents gifted me a Kindle for my birthday and the first book I got on it was The Help.
The Help
I know, I am probably a little behind the bandwagon on this book but I read it and it was good. The writing was pretty simple so it made for a quick read but the content was also really riveting so it kept me interesting. I really liked how the maid's chapters of the book were written how they would talk and their perspective. I also thought it was interesting that the author had actual experience with having "help" when she was growing up. I thought it was a very interesting take on the division of labor during that time period. I would definitely recommend this book.

Moving onto the next "trendy" read was The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
When I told my friend that I was reading this book her reply was, "Isn't that book for teenagers?" Well, yes, technically, but sometimes it's fun to have a quick, easy, entertaining read. That is just what this book was. When people had described it to me I didn't really understand what it was about and it didn't really sound like something I would like. Boy, was I wrong. I don't want to give much away but it keeps you hooked from the beginning. I recommend this book as well. I recommended it to Hub and he now has his little paws on the Kindle so I will have to wait a bit before moving onto the second book of the trilogy.

That's okay with me thought because I am now back on Ina May and reading about all the wonders of natural childbirth. To some that may not sound so interesting but to me it's fascinating! 

What are your favorite summer reads so far? Any good recommendations based off these reads I've listed? 

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