Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Well it's hump day yet again and I am linking up to this kind of love for the fun mid-week post.

I am loving that we are having salmon for dinner tonight. Lately it has been sounding really good to me and since my parents got some in Alaska this summer, we get to enjoy it here and there.
I am loving that two of my BFFs have had their babies in the past two weeks. It is just so amazing {for many different reasons} that we all became pregnant around the same time and now it is time to welcome the babies!
All preggos together!
I am loving these Pinterest finds:
I am loving that we switched one baby registry from Target to Amazon. Target kind of irked me when our registry got deleted when their website changed. Not cool. Hooray for Amazon and their cheaper prices and very easy to use registry!
And...I love my handsome husband!

Head on over and link up if you need to declare your loves this week!

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