Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why do I Let Others Ruffle my Feathers?

So in my very professional line of work, I deal with A-LOT of people on a daily basis. I never really took that into account when I got pregnant. The fact that all day, every day I hear the same comments about being pregnant.

"How are you feeling?"
"You look so small."
"You look great."
"When are you due?"
"How long are you going to work for?"
"Oh, when I had my baby...{insert very detailed accounts of every woman's birth story}"

Don't get me wrong, obviously these are really normal questions to ask a pregnant lady but hearing the same thing all day, every day gets a little repetitive. Even my co-worker who is no where near pregnant is beginning to feel my pain. I mean she even went so far as to post this on my Facebook:
I am not a Negative Nelly, I promise, the days and comments are just a little redundant.

So, the point of my story today.

A lady pulls up, orders her drink and asks when my baby is due. The rest of the conversation goes like this.
Me: December 6th.
Negative Nelly Customer (NNC): Oh are you delivering over at {local hospital}?
Me: No, actually I am going to the Birth Center over on {street name}.
NNC: Is this your first?
Me: Yes.
NNC: {With a sideways glance and a slight eyeroll} Oook. {Pause} I deliver babies at the hospital. All I can say is you better practice.
Me: {Thinking to myself, Practice what, I've never had a baby before} What do you mean?
NNC: I mean just practice.
Me: Yeah, I think if I get myself in the mindset and stay positive, I can do it {have a natural birth}.
NNC: Well, just practice. And is it a husband or boyfriend?
Me: {WTF, lady, first of all I don't think that's your business, but I will be polite because you're my customer.} Husband.
NNC: Well, just be prepared because he may not react like you expect either. They freak out sometimes and just go hide in a corner.
Me: {Where did this broad come from?!} Any other advice? {Did I seriously just ask that?}
NNC: Just stay active. In the end a lot of women just become couch potatoes.
Me: Well I don't plan on that.
NNC: Well it just gets really hard toward the end and your hips hurt really bad and it is really hard to walk around. So just stay active.
Me: Well, have a nice day.

Ok. I don't know if it's just me but is she for real?! I just don't think there was a way for her to be less encouraging. And she delivers babies?! I didn't clarify whether she is a doctor or nurse but either way I am very, and I repeat, very glad she ain't deliverin' my baby. I have had some mixed responses on the whole natural childbirth decision but, I am sorry, I just think it's downright rude to tsk tsk a woman's decision on her birth. Just because I'm not planning for an epidural does not mean that I roll my eyes and down a woman that wants one. That's the beauty of it, we all have options and the opportunity to make our own decisions. I just hate that women feel the need to pit themselves against each other sometimes. Whether it be over differing opinions on childbirth or jealousy issues. Either way, we should encourage and celebrate each other.

I hate to say it, but if I see that woman again, I may not be able to hold my tongue as well as I did today. Those italicized words above may come out of my mouth.

Anyway, guess that's my rant for the day.

**Again, I in no way, shape or form have anything against hospitals, doctors or nurses. I know they play an integral part in our well-being. I do not have anything against women who choose to have pain medication during childbirth. To each their own. I have made my decision according to what I feel is right for me.

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