Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why Can't I Just Jump In?

I definitely classify myself as technologically challenged. Yes, I can use a computer--obviously. Mostly only for it's basic uses. Uploading photos, using the internet, word documents--those sorts of things. For some reason even though I have grown up with technology--like always had a computer in my home--it was never huge interest to me and I never delved too far into learning everything I could.

Fast forward to now and I still like to only do the basics. However, getting into blogging has kind of opened me up to a lot of the possibilities of utilizing technology. It kind of intimidates me though. I don't ever really want to be all-consumed by social media which I think can very easily happen in today's world. I have a Facebook. I have a Twitter. I have a blog. I am not obsessive about any of these accounts though. It's like I am on the edge.  I could just jump. But I don't.

Source: via Cathy on Pinterest

Intimidating right?!

It seems like so many bloggers build such a network and community by utilizing these media outlets and I don't. It's like I just can't bring myself to put it all together. Sometimes I blame it on my phone. I got my first smart phone last fall. When I asked my husband if a Blackberry is a smartphone he answered with, "Well, do you think it's very smart?" My answer was no. I think if I had a more user friendly phone I may be able to get it all going in the right direction but then I question that.

I already check my Facebook quite often on my phone. I read blogs quite often throughout the day. I do have a newish baby who sleeps and I am home a lot so that could be why. It is also winter. The computer is really easy to play on during the winter. I don't ever want to be someone who let's social media take over her life. There has to be a balance. For a lot of these women, though, blogs are their jobs and getting the blog out there through Facebook and Twitter is important. Who knows if I will ever get to that point {I think I may have to blog daily and with interesting substance for that to be the case} but if I do I want balance for sure. My husband goes away to work everyday and I don't ever want it to be the case that I am putting social media before him in the evenings or on weekends.

As I have pointed out, though, I am really no where near these points. I guess I am just curious what will ever tip me over the edge. I feel like it all interests me, I just don't know how to get going. Or jump. I really respect a couple of ladies who started their blogs long after me and have grown them, jumped into the social media world with both feet and haven't looked back.

I guess it's kind of like starting a new job. Or a new school. It sounds fun and interesting--I just have to do it.

What made you take the plunge? What do you love about social media and what do you hate? What is your favorite source--Facebook, Twitter, solely blogging? Does any of this even make sense?!

1 comment:

Holly said...

I am very intiidated, too. I just like to keep up my precious facebook account... and this blog as much as possible.

If I had an ETSY shop or had paying sponsors on my blog, then I would probably network like crazy. But since it's just me, the family, and a few blog friends-- I keep a low profile.