Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I've Been Tagged

Twice. I have seen this blog post going around and I was tagged by two ladies, Katie and Whit. I was tagged awhile back and feel a little bad that I haven't gotten around to this but now I am. 

The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

Facts About Me:
1. I was a Junior Olympic Champion in karate when I was 8 years old.
2. I've never seen Star Wars or Jurassic Park and my husband wishes he would have known that before he married me...
3. I am not very good with anything having to do with technology. In fact, I think technology is out to get me--you know, computers, cell phones, the cable box, etc.
4. I traveled to Europe and enjoyed all my time there during the daylight. I was a basket case at night.
5. I met my husband while we were neighbors in our dorm in college.
6. I would love to have my own restaurant.
7. I had seven jobs within seven years of working for the same company.
8. I believe in attachment parenting
9. I think I am a lot nicer and more accepting than I was in high school. I don't think I was intentionally rude or not accepting, I just think I have grown up a lot.
10. Along those lines, I think people can mistake my shyness/quietness for rudeness. I wish I could change that about myself. I was once told by a manager at a job that when I am not smiling I look mad and that I need to smile more. I had never been told that, consciously worked on it and he made sure to tell me how much of a difference it made. I now smile more. I was never unhappy, I just wasn't always smiling. Amazing the little things that can make a difference. 
11. I would love to be a teacher but am a little nervous that I would go to school, start the job and not like it. I also think the profession has changed so much due to standardized testing. Hence the fact that we do consider homeschooling our child/ren. I guess time will tell if this will be the right thing for our family. 

I decided that since I was tagged from two people I am going to answer the first 5 questions that each of them asked.

Katie's First 5:
{1.} If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would you go? If I could bring my baby with me and it wouldn't be a challenge I would definitely hop the next flight to Hawaii. I haven't been since I graduated college and I love it there. Some heat and sun would definitely do me some good.
{2.} Why did you start your blog? I had read other blogs and thought I could start one to record our day to day life, recipes, crafts, etc.
{3.} Whose your favorite Disney Character? I would have to say Aladdin.
{4.} What's your biggest pet peeve? As of right now it is going to bed with dishes in the sink. I know, silly.
{5.} How many pets do you have? A yellow lab named Holly.

Whit's First 5: (Actually I skipped the first because it is question # 2 of Katie's)
What is something that the your blog followers would be surprised to know about you? I probably have to stick with fact #1 about myself and being a gold medalist at the Junior Olympics. I know it was only when I was 8 years old, but not many people can say this about themselves. I was a very dedicated athlete and still get sad sometimes that I gave up karate for "cooler" sports like soccer and softball. I totally understand why athletes of sports like gymnastics, ballet, karate, etc. feel isolated because it is so fun to do team sports with other people especially when you are at the age where you want to be social. Needless to say, that was a fun time in my life.

If your life was a sitcom, which one would it be? Why? A sitcom. Hm. Well, maybe right now I would say the new show "Up All Night" because we just had a baby. We are kind of reversed roles though because I stay home but I like to think Ben and I are kind of quirky, sarcastic, joking with each other a lot. We are learning about this whole "new parent thing" just like the couple in that show. And, of course I'm just as stylish as Christina Applegate in the show, right?!

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the winnings? I always feel like this is a hard question because I feel like if you don't answer with "give some to charity or sharing with friends and family" you sound selfish. So, I will just say that I would definitely give some away--hard to say how much because I don't know how much I've won ;)--and then I think Hub and I would want to buy a piece of land, try to start our own business and, obviously, put some away or invest because we are practical and rational like that.

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? Right now, my superpower would be to grow another set of arms when I need them. Let's face it, my reality right now is being a mom so even if I was a superhero mom, there are just times when it would be pretty darn handy to have two more hands!

If you could sit down and have dinner with ANYONE (alive or dead) who would it be? Why? This may surprise some people but I will say my mom's dad--my grandpa who is no longer with us. I only met him when I was little so I don't remember him. My mom always talks about him like he was a great dad to her so I think it would be really nice to get to know him a little better. 

I Am Tagging:

Kaitlyn {just us.}

Questions for you Ladies:
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. Who is your biggest blog crush and why?
3. What is your favorite go-to meal to cook and where did you learn it?
4. Where is your favorite vacation spot you have been and who were you with?
5. What is your biggest accomplishment over the past five years?
6. What is your opinion on social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, blogging)--do you love it, hate it, think it's out of control, etc.?
7. What is your favorite memory as a child?
8. If you had a whole day to yourself, to do anything you wanted, what would you do? 
9. What is a trait about yourself that you are most proud of?
10. What is your husband's favorite meal that you cook?
11. If you could go back and change one thing about your wedding what would it be?

Disclaimer: This post took me awhile to get around to so don't feel back if that is the case with you as well. We are all busy ladies but I do think this is a fun post and a way to get to know each other a little better!


Holly said...

We love Up All Night, too. Chris is a teacher and is home all summer.... So it's very realistic for us. And it works for us both ways.

Karate?! I never would have guessed that!! :)

Annie said...

i've never heard of attachment parenting. i wonder if i am a follower of that as well, i'll have to read up on it. just sounds like something that i would be ;) i'm glued to cullen 24/7!
and so awesome that you were in the junior olympics and got a gold medal!!

thanks for the tag, i'll have to see if i can get a post up sometime!