Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Aren't moods funny? Today was absolutely gorgeous outside. However it was freezing all. day. long. In an attempt to not be a total hermit, when I got off work I got the dog, went and picked up a friend and her little boy and decided we would go on a walk around a near by town and maybe go in and out of a couple of shops.

Let me just confess and say that I don't take my dog to near enough places with people that she isn't used to. first of all she whines in the car, which when it's just me by myself I can tune her out, but when I have company in the car, it's Uh-nnoying. So my thought of a perfect afternoon strolling in and out of a couple of shops in the nice weather turned into me being stressed out about making my dog mind, pretty sure my friend being stressed out that her little guy wasn't having as much fun as we thought he might and not really getting to look in any shops.

So, I get home. I think I will start a craft project, clip a couple of recipes I have been meaning to, do a few dishes, maybe prep a room for painting and what do I do? Flip through a magazine, check Facebook, check blogger, chat with the Hub on the computer, do a few dishes and now it is dark outside.

My moods are so funny, I tell ya. Sometimes it is all or nothin'. I am gung-ho about a project, flitting from room to room cleaning, or I am down, snuggled under a blanket not doing a single thing. Oh well, such is life and it is days like this that just keep me hoping for spring and the warmer weather with longer days that are bound to come.

What to do? What to do? {Image}
I think this weekend Hub and I may tackle a couple of home projects. Painting? Some woodworking? Trimming? We will see what is in store for this lil' house.

Do you get cabin fever? What do the cold, dark days do to your moods? What do you like to do to keep from going crazy?

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