Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Deep, Dark Secret

Ok, it's not really that serious but honestly, there are a couple things I get a little embarrassed of at times. I would say that I am realizing I have a slight addiction to TV. I have been trying to figure this out lately and I can't. Hub and I have been debating whether to get rid of the cable subscription because we feel that we may watch a little too much TV. The only thing that makes Hub nervous is the whole cutting-off-the-sports-connection-thing. Which I totally get. However, since we have DVR it feels like there is always something to watch. The thing we get frustrated with is that we really, truly enjoy doing other things but it seems like sitting down and turning on the TV may be the easiest thing. We both love to read. We love to be outside {which obviously our options with that are limited right now due to weather}. We like working on our home. But, we also love TV. We have quite a few shows we watch and DVR as well as watch on Netflix. I am also guilty of just having the TV on when I am home alone which I think may sometimes be for more company than actually watching.

I am a little convinced that it is just because it is winter, when all shows are new and come a couple of months from now and we will be back to watching less and doing more. It is also hard when we work hard all week long, have limited time to see or talk to each other and then we have a chance to snuggle up on the couch and watch TV--of course I will take that activity, anytime! I will keep you updated on the talks of the cable subscription decision. {I know, what a totally riveting topic right?}

My next confession is that of a little habit of junk food. I have actually been pretty good about consuming better food for the past month or so, however, I am not totally above it. It is kind of how I am with my moods I would say. Kind of an all or nothing deal. For instance, a couple of days ago, I had been great all morning, eating yogurt and granola, fruit, string cheese and then I came home. I walked by the cookie jar and ate a cookie.

And then walked by the jar again and ate another.

And another.

And another.


Yes, people, that's right, FIVE homemade delicious, chocolate chip, walnut cookies. What in the world is wrong with me?

Most of the time on weekdays I have either yogurt, oatmeal, or some fruit for breakfast but this weekend, oh no, had to have ginormous breakfast at good ole'
It's like this power takes over me and I can't. stop. eating. I love food. All kinds. Some days I can be so healthy and some days I am so not.

I feel that if I put these confessions out there and have actually put them in writing, maybe I will remind myself from time to time to keep myself in check. Steer clear of the TV, the cookie jar and the IHOP!

Do you have any secret vices? What do you do to curb them? Do you find yourself watching an abnormal amount of TV during the winter?

1 comment:

Annie said...

i think i have the same addictions, tv and junk food!! i was actually just thinking the other day that i watch A LOT of tv and even when i'm not watching but doing things around the house i have to have the tv on. i think i'd be lost without it. unlike you and your hubs i'd never even consider getting rid of cable ;)
and when it comes to junk food i'm horrible....i eat so well at work during the day then come home and just gobble up anything and everything i can. i need to stop buying the stuff that's bad for me, then i wouldn't eat it...or as much of it ;)

p.s. following you now!