Monday, January 2, 2012


Everyday I think of topics to blog but then I never do. Either I run out of time in the day, I can't quite get a whole, cohesive post together or I just don't pick up the computer when I do have a moment and then that moment is gone. So, here is a throw together post of my thoughts and what's going on lately.

I am always happy to welcome a new year but then I do get a little sad taking down Christmas decorations and feel like our house is a little bit bare again.

Tomorrow marks Ben's start back to work after a very flexible work schedule in December. We realized that he only actually went to work 6 days in December, worked from home some days, took a few vacation days and used one week of paternity leave (he saved another week to use in March). It was awesome.

It will be interesting to adjust to taking care of the baby without Hub's help but I am definitely quite a bit more confident that I was after the first week when he went back to work for a few days.

With parenthood and a new baby, we have realized that it is kind of a few steps forward and a step back. We may have a few great nights of sleeping and eating schedule and then a not so great night. I may have a few days when I feel like, "Wow, I'm really getting this whole 'Mom' thing down," and then a day where I get frustrated and feel like I will never get it. (Not to a severe extent, you know, we all just have 'those type of days.')

I've realized that it may take 5 times microwaving and until about noon to drink a cup of coffee. But I am happy to be drinking a little bit of caffeine again.

Days. Fly. By.

We don't have too much on the docket for the next couple of months due to Hub's busy season of work so it will just be the little lady and I during the weeks and then happy to have Dad home on the weekends. We will look very forward to his week off in March.

We have taken a couple of outings. We have been in a couple of stores. On New Year's Eve, we went into the city and visited a few friends. Baby E did great, we had to feed and change the diaper in the car but it worked out. Here we are at our "rockin'" NYE party:

I am thankful that I have some dinners still stored in the freezer for days when I just may not get it together in time to fix dinner. I am sure there will be 'those days.'

I have realized that I have a really hard time focusing on TV. Maybe it is just because it has been on a lot over the past month just for background noise or out of habit but I just don't pay attention. Maybe this will make it easier to finally cancel the cable.

Breastfeeding makes me endlessly thirsty. And pretty hungry, too.

The time has come to crack down on our budget and it stresses me out a little. But it will be okay.

Sorry for the randomness of this post but seriously, my brain is all over the place lately. Hopefully I will gain some focus and write some real posts soon!

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