You turned one month old on New Year's Day. I cannot believe it has already been a month. I am sure I will say that every month but really, this one has gone by quickly.
You seriously are an easy baby. I am a little scared to type that for fear of jinxing us, but it's nice to be able to remember that for the first month you were very easy. You go to sleep at night pretty easily. You eat during the day every 2-3 hours and at night for the past couple of weeks you have been going about every 4-5 hours. I think for a four and a half week old baby that is pretty good. Dad and I are learning to adjust to our "new way" of sleeping. Even though we are getting quite a bit of sleep, it is still broken and not as sound but that's okay. We are adjusting.
You are a little long for some of your newborn outfits. I am still fitting you into your newborn size white, long sleeve onesies but it is getting to be a stretch. At exactly 4 weeks old you weighed in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. Today, we went to the pediatrician for your one month check up and you weighed 8 lbs. 15oz. and were 21 inches long. The doctor said you are perfectly proportioned. Well, obviously I already knew that. ;)
You are such a sweet girl and love snuggling with Mom and Dad and sleeping on our chest with your face in the crook of our neck has got to be your favorite. You are sleeping in between us in bed and you definitely favor being snuggled up against one of us.
Mom was an idiot about two weeks into this whole thing and accidentally bought size 1 diapers instead of newborn so you have been fitting in size ones for about a week and a half now. They are a little big but not too big.
We have started doing more tummy time which you like for a few minutes and show us your strong neck muscles. You have started tracking our faces when we move back and forth in front of your face. You like to be in your swing for about an hour's worth of a nap. We took you out for a walk this week and you loved your stroller so much you fell asleep. You like the car. You have had 2 baths and loved both of them. during the second one, you loved dangling your foot over the edge of the bath sling and wiggling your toes in the water. You like a lot of stuff actually!
She's beautiful!!! You are doing an AWESOME job MOM! I remember I needed to hear that a lot at first. I still do, but just not as often.:) It's scary being responsible for a little person, but you obviously are doing AWESOME!
Your pictures {and baby} are beautiful! Her thick, dark hair is stunning. :)
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