Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Little Cabin Fever Leads To...

Too much time on Pinterest.

Between feeling like I only have short windows with the babe and her feeding and sleeping schedule and snow that just won't stop outside, I resort to pinning. I want to get a little list going of some projects that I may tackle once I feel like I have a little more semblance of a schedule. If that ever happens. For now, I dream.

I don't have a mobile yet for Eleanor's room and it is already apparent that she really loves things hanging over her head to stare at so here are some options.
Ribbons would be super cute, easy and I could most definitely get colors to go along with some of the colors in her room.

Again with the east of these mobiles and being able to interchange colors. I could use the scrapbook paper that I used for her banner to match, I already have that on hand so it wouldn't cost money for the pieces. I would just need a form of some sort to hang them off of.

We love animals around here so these are super cute. I don't know how capable I would be of making them but they may be just be cute enough to order. Maybe. Well, never mind, I just checked the website and they are definitely pretty spendy. Cute, but spendy!

Moving on, I would love to put together a simple wreath for spring. I don't know how I can be thinking of spring when it is a blizzard outside but I am. 

I don't know if I love these colors--well I like them well enough but I just don't know about on our front door--however, I love the design and they look easy enough. 

Gosh, I sure wish I could have the patience to learn how to make all of these flowers. So cute!

Very cute if I had leftover fabric. Or found some cute fabric on sale. I love all of these bright colors.

Well, that's it for now I guess. I think Baby E may have just given me a present...
I will get back to a more normal schedule and will have time to craft once again. However, for now, the crafting items remain in the closet and pin my life away. *Isn't it funny that we use pin as a verb now and everyone knows what we mean?*


Katie {katie lately} said...

I love all of these!!! DONT do the yarn wreath - it literally takes a few hours to wrap it. I suggest wrapping it in fabric or burlap or something wider than a string of yarn :) I love the mobiles too!!

Annie said...

how fun!! love all these!!! i started a yarn ball in, i wrapped ALL THE BALLS in yarn and then gave up. i have a ton of wrapped balls if you want them ;) i think i found it therapeutic to wrap the foam balls and then i never did anything with them, lame. oh well, maybe i will next year!