Sunday, October 16, 2011

31 & 32 Weeks

I am getting a little lazy in my weekly posts. I'm not sure why. I made the comment to Ben the other night that we are getting lazy in our picture taking as well.

BabyCenter estimates she is around 3.75 pounds and around 16.7 inches long. She is gaining about a 1/2 pound a week. Seems like a lot! It also says she has fingernails, toenails and hair and her skin in becoming soft and smooth while getting ready for birth.

With these past couple of weeks, the heartburn has really ramped up again. Despite my efforts in taking my Zantac and eating Tums in between Zantac doses, it still burns. I am going to try to find some Papaya enzymes this week as recommended by a couple people. I have also resorted to sleeping sitting up. Not uncomfortable but not really ideal. And I always seem to slide right back down during my sleep, bringing on the heartburn and waking me up.

I am definitely happy to get to the end of the work week. I am tired, achy and ready for a few days off, for sure. I understand that it is okay to rest when I get off work and that usually gets the sometimes crampiness to go away, my hips to stop aching, however it is still a hard transition. I am used to getting off work and getting things done. Not laying low. So I have been trying to transition into taking things a little slower, getting things done mostly on my days off, and trying to get to bed as early as I can because 4:15am comes early. I am not ready to stop working. I don't just want to sit around waiting for her to come but in the next couple of weeks I may be looking to give up some hours. Just trying to listen to my body. And the baby. Oh, Lord it's already starting.

On an appetite note, I have really been trying to make an effort at eating more frequently. It seems to help with me not feeling nauseous as often. The only thing that is hard about this is that nothing really sounds good to eat so it is hard to think of things every couple hours that I want to eat. But on days that I can I feel a whole lot better. I think I had my actual first craving yesterday where an actual food came to mind and I went to the store to get it. Artichokes. I wanted steamed artichokes. However, I didn't get them because I thought that it was seriously the biggest ripoff in the store. I mean I haven't bought them in a long time but $3.99/artichoke seemed a little ridiculous for these tiny heads that I would have scarfed down in a couple of minutes. Oh well, maybe next time.

She is moving a lot. They are bigger movements, which is fun. I am having a hard time identifying body parts so I am hoping they will help me out at my appointment this week. I don't think she is head down yet so I guess I will find that out as well.

My belly button looks more and more funny by the day. It is pretty much flush with the rest of my stomach as opposed to my usual innie. We will see how the next couple of weeks go and where the button decides to end up.

Within the next couple of weeks I think I am getting maternity pictures. I have a customer that expressed to me that she needs a new model. So we will see if she is asking for money or not {we haven't really discussed details} and decide whether we will do it.


The Arizona Russums said...

you are soooo precious!!!

Holly said...

You are still so small! :) And I'm happy to know that I'm not the only pregnant lady waking up at 4:15am to start the work day. Wah-wah.