Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sometimes I Feel Like I Am Being a Crazy Person

I know that being involved with social media has its ups and downs.

A lot of the ups are the awesome networking and community that can be built. It is great to have others to ask questions of, bounce ideas off of and vent to. It is nice to have so many sources to get information from and choose what we like and discard the rest.

I am speaking along the lines of dressing my daughter. Of course I love cute clothes and of course the fact that they are miniature makes them one million times cuter. However, we do not have an endless supply of the ol' green stuff around here so I find it so hard to be motivated to buy these said cute clothes when they are super expensive and seriously this girl will wear these clothes for such a short time. I find it pretty ridiculous that baby/kids clothes can be so expensive for that reason. Of course I want my daughter to look cute but not at any cost. Sometimes I feel like I am one of the few that feel this way.

Another aspect of my life that is beginning to make me feel a little off my rocker is the fact that Baby E and I do not go out much. Like, at all. We are home most of the week and may have an outing on the weekends. My main reason from the beginning about this was because she was born in the winter and obviously we all know there are more germies around during the winter months. We have spent most of her three months of life at home. Washing hands, having guests wash hands, etc. Now that she is getting a little older, has had a round of shots and I am even beginning to get a little cabin fever now and then I want to go out more but I think I may have a little anxiety about it. We are so comfortable at home, with our routine, surrounded by our stuff that I get a little overwhelmed thinking about going somewhere.

Last Friday I had to return something at the mall which is about half an hour away so my mom came with me. We were going to make a quick trip to the mall {in and out} and then to Costco. Well, we started at Babies R Us and Eleanor was doing just fine awake and looking around. Then she started crying. I took her out of her carseat and proceeded to carry her around the store.

We then got back in the car to go to the mall and I took her our and put her in our front pack and immediately when we got in the doors of Nordstrom she started screaming. Mind you, this baby doesn't cry much. Usually her crying or fussing time is at night. Well, here we are smack dab in the middle of the day. Finally, she stopped crying and fell asleep so we walked around the mall a bit. {Also, why is it when you have a crying baby do people look at you like an alien? Hey, people, she's a baby, babies cry and obviously I am trying to get her to stop. STOP STARING!}

We get back to the car, she is wet so we change her and put her back in the carseat to head home. {By this point we decided to skip Costco.} Normally, E has no problem in the car. This time she screamed all the way home. My mom sat in the back seat with her trying to calm her down but that didn't work.

We got home, I fed her and I felt exhausted.

I reflect on this experience because maybe I tried to do a little too much too soon. She isn't used to being out and about much and neither am I. I told Ben last night that I want to start small. I need to start at least going to the grocery store. You're probably wondering what in the heck I'm talking about that I haven't been going to the grocery store. I have gone a couple of times in the past few months but my parents live so close that whenever my mom goes, she asks if we need anything, I tell her a couple things, she brings them and we reimburse. I know, I'm spoiled.

So, over the next month, E and I are starting small and are getting out of the house more. This next Sunday we are planning to go to Ben's basketball game which is about an hour. He is playing with some guys of the group we go on vacation with and also have babies so their wives will be there as well. It will be quite the experience for E with the loud noises, bright lights, etc. but I think it's time. Time to get my baby girl out of her bubble.


Holly said...

Lady, I don't know how you stay inside all day. When I was home with Olive, the second Chris got home, I had to leave for at least 30min. It could have been to run to the store, the gym, walk around Walgreen's and flip through a few magazines, just something.

I noticed if I didn't do that, then I really never "got ready" for the day, so to speak... and after about a week, I'd be in a funk.

Olive and I went grocery shopping alone last night. I fed her before we left and Chris loaded her up. She loved the store, just looking around everywhere. She fussed on the way home, but it wasn't too bad.

Just relax and embrace your new normal. :) Go get some vitamin D. You'll both feel better.

Holly said...

Oh and yes, baby clothes are WAY overpriced!!

d.a.r. said...

Oh girl friend, I am so with you on the baby clothes. I am thankful that I have a little boy, otherwise I may well be tempted to buy a ton of little dresses and bows. But as it is, I feel ridiculous spending $10 on sleep and plays at Target! I cannot imagine spending ridiculous amounts on monogrammed outfits. But, that is just me :) Or, well, me and you, I guess!

As for getting out--girl, do it!! They are only this little and portable once. Once they become mobile and more alert, it gets exponentially harder! You can't just pop a sleepy toddler in their carseat in the booth while you and your hubby eat a meal in peace with both hands! And enjoy grocery shopping when you don't have little hands trying to crush the bread or throw the cereal out of the cart :). I've been trying to get out daily--either for a walk or running errands or meeting friends for lunch. It gets easier once you both get the hang of it!

Tatum said...

Sounds like you have a great plan in place to take slow baby steps. There is nothing wrong with staying in and cherishing every minute because, as you know, it goes way too fast. You are doing an amazing job! I have another friend who said she had the same anxious feelings about going out with her baby the first few months and she realized she had postpartum anxiety (http://www.babyrabies.com/2011/11/acceptance-postpartum-anxiety-and-me/). No one really talks about it; you only hear about postpartum depression. As I’m sure you’re already realizing, everything gets easier and easier as the months go on. Before you know it you’ll be a pro at taking trips out and about {just in time to throw a new baby into the mix and you have the joy of figuring out how to schedule outings around a toddler’s nap schedule and a new babe. ;0)}. Take care of you and that sweet little THREE month old… how is that possible? Seems like you just had her!